[kamics..] about.. color generation people love 작성자 gssilver ( 1996-06-24 02:36:00 Hit: 161 Vote: 3 ) i don't like use english in writing.. But.. in a very serious mood of mind.. i use english in writing... i am disappointed in color-generation people love this small group ... make outsiders.. as one of the outsiders of c.p.l.(color-generation people love) i feel that the small group of this small group (c.p.l) is very exclusive to others.. from member of c.p.l.(but outsiders) to not member of c.p.l. Today.. i take in chatting room.. but in there.. i feel the feeling of outsider more enegetically.. Everyone in that chatting room is exclusive for me.. and my words chewed. oh sorry .. my words were chewed... i made up my mind of leaving c.p.l. the day before yesterday but from achor's composition , i turned my mind.. and.. i want to participate in this small group offensively(?).. so i take in chatting room .... But... in there.. i could not attract others mind... i was very angry ... and.. now.. i am very disappointed in c.p.l. and everybody in it... even me.. i can't take part in this group anymore.. i hate.. this small group... goodbye everybody.... kamics... p.s) in below bulletin.. my name is not seen.. though i am technologian. hahat.. .. the fact reveal my existence in c.p.l.. Farewell to Color-generation People Love.. i am sorry for leaving here in this way... kamics.. 본문 내용은 10,481일 전의 글로 현재의 관점과 다를 수 있습니다. Post: https://achor.net/board/c44_free/1930 Trackback: https://achor.net/tb/c44_free/1930 👍 ❤ ✔ 😊 😢 Please log in first to leave a comment. Tag 각 Tag는 , 로 구분하여 주십시오. 28156 1482 1390 번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수 * 댓글들에 오류가 있습니다 [6] achor 2007/12/0856385 1765 칼사사 lhyoki 1996/06/24189 1764 [실세twelve] 음 진형에게 asdf2 1996/06/24184 1763 (^-^) 오늘 채팅 넘 재밌었쓰~~~ aram3 1996/06/24203 1762 [실세twelve] 잘해보자구!!!!!! asdf2 1996/06/24153 1761 (^-^) to achor aram3 1996/06/24192 1760 공백 kokids 1996/06/24210 1759 [kamics..] about.. color generation people love gssilver 1996/06/24161 1758 [실세twelve] 음오랜만에 상쾌한 채팅을 asdf2 1996/06/24219 1757 [실세twelve/칼럼] 필독!!!! postachor 시대를 맞이하여.... asdf2 1996/06/23160 1756 어라 이게 뭔일이야? lhyoki 1996/06/23151 1755 [울프~!] 쯔읍..백수라네.. wolfdog 1996/06/23155 1754 [명환] 3일만에 다시 온 칼사사... 다맛푸름 1996/06/23168 1753 [명환]나두 환영이다... 다맛푸름 1996/06/23161 1752 [실세twelve] 오늘..나..선영이하구... asdf2 1996/06/23158 1751 [명환]re 3146 다맛푸름 1996/06/23157 1750 [실세twelve] 환영!!! 선영... asdf2 1996/06/23149 1749 [명환]아처...왜...? 다맛푸름 1996/06/23151 1748 [실세twelve] 이후의 우리 모임에 대한 의견... asdf2 1996/06/23157 1747 [실세twelve] 음 아처.... asdf2 1996/06/23160 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 제목작성자본문