GD7 Juji Test04 시드 탈리스만

   achor ( Hit: 299 Vote: 0 )
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Lab Test 4 - Seed Talismans

실험 1
Note: This test is based on the number of attempts it takes to receive a Seed Talisman.
Number of Trials: 4
Infinity to Annihilation: 100% Chance of Success
Annihilation to Hellfire: 3 Attempts | 4 Attempts | 3 Attempts | 3 Attempts
Hellfire to Desire: 1 Attempt | 4 Attempts | 8 Attempts | 4 Attempts
Desire to Longing: 5 Attempts | 5 Attempts | 8 Attempts | 12 Attempts

실험 2
Attempt Infinity to Destruction: Success (100%)
Attempt Destruction to Annihilation: Success (100%)
Attempt Annihilation to Hellfire: Stayed the same
Attempt Annihilation to Hellfire: Success
Attempt Hellfire to Desire: Downgrade to Annihilation
Attempt Annihilation to Hellfire: Stayed the same
Attempt Annihilation to Hellfire: Stayed the same
Attempt Annihilation to Hellfire: Downgrade to Destruction
Attempt Destruction to Annihilation: Success (100%)
Attempt Annihilation to Hellfire: Stayed the same
Attempt Annihilation to Hellfire: Success
Attempt Hellfire to Desire: Stayed the same
Attempt Hellfire to Desire: Stayed the same
Attempt Hellfire to Desire: Stayed the same
Attempt Hellfire to Desire: Stayed the same
Attempt Hellfire to Desire: Stayed the same
Attempt Hellfire to Desire: Downgrade to Annihilation
Attempt Annihilation to Hellfire: Stayed the same
Attempt Annihilation to Hellfire: Stayed the same
Attempt Annihilation to Hellfire: Stayed the same
Attempt Annihilation to Hellfire: Success
Attempt Hellfire to Desire: Stayed the same
Attempt Hellfire to Desire: Stayed the same
Attempt Hellfire to Desire: Stayed the same
Attempt Hellfire to Desire: Success
Attempt Desire to Longing: Downgrade to Hellfire
Attempt Hellfire to Desire: Stayed the same
Attempt Hellfire to Desire: Stayed the same
Attempt Hellfire to Desire: Success
Attempt Desire to Longing: Success

Attempt Infinity to Destruction: Success (100%) 25/30
Attempt Destruction to Annihilation: Success (100%) 25/30
Attempt Annihilation to Hellfire: Stayed the same 25/30
Attempt Annihilation to Hellfire: Success 25/30
Attempt Hellfire to Desire: Downgrade to Annihilation 30/60
Attempt Annihilation to Hellfire: Stayed the same 25/30
Attempt Annihilation to Hellfire: Stayed the same 25/30
Attempt Annihilation to Hellfire: Downgrade to Destruction 25/30
Attempt Destruction to Annihilation: Success (100%) 25/30
Attempt Annihilation to Hellfire: Stayed the same 25/30
Attempt Annihilation to Hellfire: Success 25/30
Attempt Hellfire to Desire: Stayed the same 30/60
Attempt Hellfire to Desire: Stayed the same 30/60
Attempt Hellfire to Desire: Stayed the same 30/60
Attempt Hellfire to Desire: Stayed the same 30/60
Attempt Hellfire to Desire: Stayed the same 30/60
Attempt Hellfire to Desire: Downgrade to Annihilation 30/60
Attempt Annihilation to Hellfire: Stayed the same 25/30
Attempt Annihilation to Hellfire: Stayed the same 25/30
Attempt Annihilation to Hellfire: Stayed the same 25/30
Attempt Annihilation to Hellfire: Success 25/30
Attempt Hellfire to Desire: Stayed the same 30/60
Attempt Hellfire to Desire: Stayed the same 30/60
Attempt Hellfire to Desire: Stayed the same 30/60
Attempt Hellfire to Desire: Success 30/60
Attempt Desire to Longing: Downgrade to Hellfire 35/70
Attempt Hellfire to Desire: Stayed the same 30/60
Attempt Hellfire to Desire: Stayed the same 30/60
Attempt Hellfire to Desire: Success 30/60
Attempt Desire to Longing: Success 35/70

This makes a total of
840 energy of destruction. No idea how long this takes to get whitout NcStore
1400 Giant's Energy. 7.700.000.000 adena. At a price of 5.5mil each as at clan hall.

just wanted to ad this since wel everybody would like to see arround what price you have to pay for this.

실험 3
Hellfire > Desire (Test 1)
Number of Attempts: 25
Talismans Received:
Talisman of Annihilation - 3
Talisman of Hellfire - 17
Talisman of Desire - 5

Hellfire > Desire (Test 2)
Number of Attempts: 25
Talismans Received:
Talisman of Annihilation - 4
Talisman of Hellfire - 18
Talisman of Desire - 3

Hellfire with Kaliel's Energy > Desire (Test 1)
Number of Attempts: 25
Talismans Received:
Talisman of Hellfire - 21
Talisman of Desire - 4

Hellfire with Kaliel's Energy > Desire (Test 2)
Number of Attempts: 25
Talismans Received:
Talisman of Hellfire - 20
Talisman of Desire - 5

Desire > Longing (Test 1)
Number of Attempts: 25
Talismans Received:
Talisman of Hellfire - 11
Talisman of Desire - 13
Talisman of Longing - 1

Desire > Longing (Test 2)
Number of Attempts: 25
Talismans Received:
Talisman of Hellfire - 11
Talisman of Desire - 11
Talisman of Longing - 3

Desire with Kaliel's Energy > Longing (Test 1)
Number of Attempts: 25
Talismans Received:
Talisman of Desire - 22
Talisman of Longing - 3

Desire with Kaliel's Energy > Longing (Test 2)
Number of Attempts: 25
Talismans Received:
Talisman of Desire - 20
Talisman of Longing - 5

실험 2`를 보면
동경까지 가는 데 840개의 파괴의 기운과 1400개의 거인의 기운이 필요합니다.
아지트 원가 개당 550만인 거인의 기운 비용만 77억.

150억에서 최근 200억까지 가고 있는 동경 비용 대비하면 싸긴 합니다만
840개의 파괴의 기운 모으려면 하루 4개 얻는다 해도 대략 7달.

단, 보물상자 까서 파괴의 기운 840개 얻고자 한다면 넉넉히 7-80억 정도 예상되니
사는 것보다 분명히 확률적으로 이득이긴 하네요.

Juji의 실험이긴 하지만,
1회 시행한 결과일 뿐이니 실제 결과와 차이가 크게 날 수도 있습니다.

- achor

본문 내용은 4,405일 전의 글로 현재의 관점과 다를 수 있습니다.


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First Written: 11/11/2003 08:01:24
Last Modified: 08/23/2021 11:47:38