New Article * 성명 * 비밀번호 이메일 홈페이지 * 제목 글쓰기툴 * 본문 sugaJ wrote >퍼온거. 그럴듯해서. > >> Many people feel that they are in love when they are really only infatuated, but love and *infatuation are quite different. > >> First, infatuation happens suddenly, while love takes root and grows slowly over time. > >> Second, infatuation is accompanied by a sense of uncertainty; one feels greatly thrilled but not really happy. > >> Love, on the other hand, begins with a feeling of security; the person is warmed by a sense of being near even when the person he or she loves is away. > >> Third, infatuation tells us to "get married right away." Meanwhile, love advises: "Don't rush into anything; learn to trust each other." These are important differences. > >> Unfortunately, too many people overlook them and get hurt in the end. > > 분류 공지잡담추천고발고백호소질문답변경악황당제안경고독백씨바환호영상유틸제작복제알림관리 문서형태 TextHtmlText+Html 공개여부 비공개 파일 비회원은 업로드가 제한됩니다. reCaptcha 스팸성 광고물을 방지하기 위하여 초 후에 게시물 등록이 가능합니다.