Good Times

   bebopkim ( Hit: 204 Vote: 12 )


You don't even have to try
It comes easy for you
The way you move is so appealing
It could make me cry

Go out driving with my friends
In Bobby's big old beat up car
I'm with a lot of people then
I wonder where you are

Good times Bad times
Give me some of that
Good times Bad times
Give me some of that
Good times Bad times
Give me some of that

I don't want to say goodbye
Don't want to walk you to the door
I spend a little time with you
I want a little more

Good times Bad times
Give me some of that
Good times Bad times
Give me some of that
Good times Bad times
GIve me some of that

Edie Brickell이라는 여자가 동명의 싱글 앨범과 함께
Picture Perfact Morning이라는 앨범에 수록해 1994년에 발표한 곡.
Windows 95 정품 CD에 보면 FUNSTUFFGOODTIME.AVI라는 이름으로 들어있음.
Windows 95 CD를 폐기처분하지 않는 단 한가지 원인을 제공.
왜 이 좋은 노래가 Windows 95 CD에 들은겐지.. 쩝.

본문 내용은 9,048일 전의 글로 현재의 관점과 다를 수 있습니다.


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First Written: 02/26/2009 00:56:26
Last Modified: 08/23/2021 11:46:44