Purpose: Compare the shield block rate in Aeore Healers and Sigel Knights with and without buffs when attacked from the back and from the front.
Characters: Three characters were used for the test: a level 99 Iss Enchanter (Dwarf) equipped with a bow and two targets – level 99 Elves: an Aeore Healer (38 CON) and a Sigel Knight (82 CON).
Equipment: The Dwarf only had a Recurve Thorne Bow, while the Elves were only equipped with a Vesper Shield.
Test conditions: All characters were without buffs. Only Knight's Harmony was used for the corresponding tests.
Test 1: In the first test we were shooting at the tank from the back.
Test 2: In the second test we were shooting at the tank from the front.
Test 3: In the third test we were shooting at the healer from the back.
Test 4: In the fourth test we were shooting at the healer from the front.
Test 5: In the fifth test we were shooting at the tank from the back, the tank being under the Knight’s Harmony buff.
Test 6: In the sixth test we were shooting at the tank from the front, the tank being under the Knight’s Harmony buff.
Test 7: In the seventh test we were shooting at the healer from the back, the healer being under the Knight’s Harmony buff.
Test 8: In the eight test we were shooting at the healer from the front with the healer, the healer being under the Knight’s Harmony buff.
For each test, we recorded 1,000 results, excluding misses (only successful shield blocking or its absence).
Results: Block chance
Test 1: Tank(bank) 68.1%
Test 2: Tank(front) 72.3%
Test 3: Healer(bank) 0%
Test 4: Healer(front) 24.3%
Test 5: Tank(back+buff) 89.8%
Test 6: Tank(front+buff) 94.1%
Test 7: Healer(back+buff) 0%
Test 8: Healer(front+buff) 28.1%
Conclusion: The chart makes it clear that the chance of successful shield blocking is higher under the Knight’s Harmony buff. However, this is not true for the case when an Aeore Healer is attacked from the back: healers have almost no chance of being protected by a shield, in contrast to tanks, who have a significant shield block bonus regardless of where the attack comes from.
실험에 의하면
시겔이 아니더라도 전방에 대해서는 24.3%의 방패방어 확률을 갖게 됩니다.
올림 등에서 한손이 빈 채로 가디언스 하모니를 종종 받는 오셀의 경우
방패방어율을 28.1%까지 올릴 수 있어 방패를 드는 것도 나쁘지 않을 것 같네요.