[=^^=] The Gate of Destiny

   skkmgt95 ( Vote: 8 )

Kui-Ch'on-Do("The Gate of Destiny")

A Korean gallantry movie directed by Lee Kyong-Young, in

which he also stars with Kim Min-Jong. In the year 1800, King

Chongjo of Choson Dynasty is informed by the royal psychic that

he will have a child who rule the whole Asia. But he also says

that the child's life is threatened by Japanese Ninja. Then, the

king opens a secret passage and sends the child with guards to

another time. Now in 1996, the child is 18 years old and is being

raised by one of the guards. However, another guard and 30

Ninjas follow the child to the future to destroy her.

본문 내용은 10,330일 전의 글로 현재의 관점과 다를 수 있습니다.

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 14308   754   325
*공지    [Keqi] 성통회 96방 게시판 Keqi 2007/01/30
8152     [총장] 진택이가 읽어 주었군.. ^^; skkman 1996/11/29
8151     [총장] 이정도면 도배라고 할 수 있을까? skkman 1996/11/29
8150     [총장] 아냐.. 아직은 모자른거 같어.. skkman 1996/11/29
8149     [총장] 나의 도배에는 그래두.. 뼈가 있다.. skkman 1996/11/29
8148     [총장] 드디어 본색을 들어 내었냐고? skkman 1996/11/29
8147     [총장] 휴우.. 아침에 왜이리 힘이 넘치지? skkman 1996/11/29
8146     [사악창진] 흑..인간과 자연환경.. bothers 1996/11/29
8145     [총장] 오호.. 창진이가 셤을 못봐? skkman 1996/11/29
8144     [=^^=] 악악...그럴리는 없을껴.. skkmgt95 1996/11/29
8143     [총장] 앗.. 드디어 형찬이형 등장.. skkman 1996/11/29
8142     [=^^=] 윤상아~~ skkmgt95 1996/11/29
8141     [=^^=] 귀천도 skkmgt95 1996/11/29
8140     [총장] 형찬이혀엉~~ 귀천도애..저 못봤는데.. ^^; skkman 1996/11/29
8139     [선아~] 도배? bkwe 1996/11/29
8138     [선아~] 형찬아.. bkwe 1996/11/29
8137     [=^^=] The Gate of Destiny skkmgt95 1996/11/29
8136     [선아~] 총장이랑 형찬이랑... bkwe 1996/11/29
8135     [총장] 오오오... 선아누나두.. 동참을... skkman 1996/11/29
8134     [선아~] 앗..형찬이가 .. bkwe 1996/11/29
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First Written: 11/06/1999 04:17:00
Last Modified: 02/27/2025 10:19:48